Subject: Re: compiling SmartList
To: None <port-alpha@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Sergey Goldgaber <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 03/12/1997 03:02:46
After an hour of fiddling with the funny bits of Procmail/Smartlist I
finally solved my problem.
It seems that Procmail's "setid" prog (and "su", to which it was related)
would do weird things if the current directory happened not to be accessible
to the new uid.
Thus, my work-around was to temporarily make the current directory accessible
to the new uid.
This turned out to be non-NetBSD/Alpha-relevant, so I appologise for the waste
of bandwidth.
However, if anyone has any ideas as to shy my 'dmesg' would give me a
"kvm_read: kvm_read: Bad address" error, I'd be grateful.
. Sergey Goldgaber <> System Administrator el Net .
. To him who does not know the world is on fire, I have nothing to say .
. - Bertholt Brecht .