Subject: remark on installation using the diskimage and the tar-files
To: None <port-alpha@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Martin Heller <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 07/08/1997 10:19:54
After having recently installed NetBSD alpha on a harddisk using the disk-
imaage, I think 1 things should be changed for an easier installation:
1) PLEEEAAASE !!!! put 'tar' onto the root part !! pax was a nightmare
for , since it didn't recognize a DAt-tape written by Digital UNIX pax
nor by FreeBSD pax . After fiddling to find the right blocksize for a
whole day , I finally managed it .
...And now something completely different:
I'd like to get my Zlx-p E2 working. Has anybody technical doc about the
E2 , or where can I get it ???