Subject: Re: Vendor for alternative card for Multima request
To: None <>
From: Andy Sparrow <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 07/08/1997 14:04:45
>    I got a Multima when they were selling at low prices and have used
> NetBSD on it.  The one I got came with a 3 1/2" internal drive which
> had it's SCSI connector on a small daughter board.  This board has no 
> PCI connector.  Other Multima's apparently have a different daughter board
> which allow for a PCI connector and connect to a 2 1/2" internal drive.
>     I would like to add a PCI Ethernet card to my Multima and would like
> to know where I could get the type of daughter card.  The company I 
> purchased the Multima from will solder a PCI connector on my daughter
> card but that means sending it away and if there is a problem getting
> back to working state may be difficult.

Saw the answer to this in the Linux/Alpha mailing list some while ago...

Firstly, many people will strongly advise that you don't use any
internal HD (neither the 2.5" nor the 3.5") in a Multia for both 
heat and marginal PSU reasons. On Linux, it is recommended that
the built-in IDE connector NOT be used, as this uses 100% CPU whilst 
the drive is active (!!). (IDE connector is below the end of the floppy
drive, BTW).

Most people were more interested in the other route - adding an
external SCSI connector to the backplane. There are two routes to

i)	Solder on the bits you want
ii)	Buy the bits from DEC and fit them

Here's an answer to a similar query giving part numbers etc:

> > Can I order the backplane from DEC, part number 54-22563-02? What is the
> > cost? I prowled around the DEC web-site but could not find much of anything.
> > Is there a substitute from another source? Any ideas welcomed.
> The official source for such parts is the Digital Service Store, although
> not necessarily cheap, the following is what you need
>   54-22563-02 PCI BACKPLANE WITH SCSI BUS - UK price (pounds) 59.00
> Which gives you a US price of about $95 or so...:-) Just call 1-800-DIGITAL
> and ask for the Service Store, otherwise get your soldering iron out - I have
> not yet come across a SCSI PCI riser card that has the 40-pin IDC connector
> holes filled with solder so it should be a cinch to make up a cable.