Subject: Xnest on NetBSD/Alpha?
To: None <port-alpha@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Seifert <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 07/27/1997 16:13:48
Has anyone gotten Xnest working on NetBSD/Alpha?
It brings up a window, but that's about it.
The mouse cursor disappears when over the nested root
window, although if you have it bring up two nested
root windows, the cursor does work on the 2nd.
I can't bring up any windows (xterm, xclock, etc)
on the nested window.
I'm currently wading through the gcc warnings. Most if not
all of these are LP64 issues. (Dispite lots of obvious
attention to 64 bit issues in the code, #ifdef _alpha,
DEC copyrights, etc. which would lead one to think that
it ought to run on an alpha.)
I believe Xnest is new in X11R6.3. I need it in order to
run LBX (Low Bandwidth X), which does compression and caching
between a X server and a lbxproxy across a slow connection,
like a modem. Similar to NCD's Xremote and Tek's TekeXpress,
except supposedly faster than either, and freely available.
Xnest is a client of the real X server, and creates a "virtual"
root window which Xnest if the server for. Sort of like chroot
for X. I need it in order to use LBX with old X servers that
don't understand LBX.