Subject: Weird Error Message on AXPpci33; Probs with ethernet.
To: None <port-alpha@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ari Rubenstein <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 08/02/1997 01:22:54
I have upgraded the kernel, and the binaries to the June 16 snapshot Curt
Sampson mentioned on the list the other day.
One problem:
Getting lots of these, on the console only:
Warning: processor correctable error encountered.
I had thought that it was related to running mismatched kernel and bin's,
as I was using the recent kernel you put on floppy with the 1.2 disk image
distribution. But they didn't go away after I untarred the new binary
snapshot. Any ideas what this is from?
Also, I seem to be having trouble with the syntax for ifconfig ep0.
If I just do ifconfig ep0 (ip address) it seems to set up the card for
>From the man pages for ifconfig and ep, it looked the new syntax is
something like:
ifconfig ep0 inet (ipaddress) media 10baseT
But this yields the error:
ifconfig: unknown media subtype.
I can't quite seem to get the right arguments to ifconfig...
- Ari
Ari Rubenstein Internet Portal Services phone: (604) 257-9400
fax: (604) 257-9401