Subject: netboot
To: None <cjs@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mark H. Levine <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/03/1997 18:25:39
I'm  checking  out  NetBSD/Alpha  1.3  and  have  read  your  new
netbooting page at 

We lost something in the recent change --  previously  we  at  my
site  were  able to get the kernel from our build machine, from a
separate spot on it so as not to conflict with the running kernel
on the development machine using "rp", and then mount the network
file systems for swap and root off our disk farm (a sparc storage

It seems you are now using the remote path (rp=) field  for  both
the  location  of a kernel and the root directory of the nfs file
system, and these can no longer be on two separate machines,  the
way it could be by using rpc.bootparamd. 

This isn't severe of course, we can just ftp kernels to the sparc
array  before  booting  and take from the root partitions, but it
also means setting up a tftp server there since we can't use  the
Alphas at the same time. 

Is there a workaround available, perhaps can we add new variables
that the kernel will use to support separate tftp and nfs servers
(some sort of remote nfs path, and an nfs server field)?