Subject: Re: getting to the floppy on a Multia
To: Steve Price <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 12/29/1997 15:32:33
On Fri, 12 Dec 1997 21:50:16 -0600
Steve Price <> wrote:
> I seem to remember reading somewhere in the Alpha WWW pages
> that the floppy on the Multia is currently unsupported. Is
> this still true? If so, does anybody any kind of specs on
> it so that if somebody wanted to right a driver they could?
As a follow-up, I have this almost working, as long as you don't use
the IDE driver. There seems to be some lossage w/ SGMAP DMA on my
AlphaStation 500, but when I get caught up on my mail (eek, lots of it!),
I'll take another look at it.
Jason R. Thorpe
NASA Ames Research Center Home: +1 408 866 1912
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