Subject: ftp-able old Multia SRM firmware available
To: port-alpha list NetBSD <port-alpha@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Wilko Bulte <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/20/1998 20:11:47
Hi there

I finally managed to obtain an earlier SRM console firmware for the Multia.

Unfortunately(??) not the V3.8-2 but V3.7-628. At least that is 
what 'strings' tells me. Note that it is a .sys file, I think this means
it is intended for network-bashed ROM flashing. It was taken from the
Multia V3.0 master CDROM. So, it is a normal released version that people
had on their Multias.

It can be found on

I sincerely hopes this one does bootp correctly, I've given up 
on obtaining V3.8-2

Please post any results.

_     ______________________________________________________________________
 |   / o / /  _  Bulte email: wilko @
 |/|/ / / /( (_) Arnhem, The Netherlands - Do, or do not. There is no 'try'
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