Subject: Re: status of ncr 53c810 scsi adapter?
To: Jason Thorpe <>
From: Curt Sampson <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 02/19/1998 13:03:46
On Thu, 19 Feb 1998, Jason Thorpe wrote:

>  > Essentially, I am trying to get an estimate of the percentage of uptime
>  > I would have with a UDB with said SCSI adapter :-)
> The driver is a mess, but it does work fine with several peripherals.  I
> think you'll be OK as long as you don't have an over-sensitive disk.

Probably. My main file server at home is an AXPpci33 (which is
quite similar to a multia) with a Seagate Hawk drive and some sort
of CD-ROM (I forget the brand). It works just fine.


Curt Sampson	   Info at
Internet Portal Services, Inc.	   Through infinite mist, software reverberates
Vancouver, BC  (604) 257-9400	   In code possess'd of invisible folly.