Subject: Re: NetBSD/Alpha
To: Michael G. Schabert <>
From: Chad Mynhier <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 05/24/1998 21:14:28
"Michael G. Schabert" writes:
>It's an AlphaStation 200 4/166, which from what I've read should definitely
>be supported. It's pretty standard, 24 MB RAM (2 4 MB & 2 8MB SIMMs),
>floppy drive, the standard 8 MB ZLXp video card. It also has a PC card dard
>in one of its ISA slots.
If the video card has 8MB, it's the ZLXp-E2 card, which isn't supported
by NetBSD. You can verify this by looking at the video card -- if it has
a Bt463 RAMDAC, the card's unsupported.
Chad Mynhier