Subject: Re: Booting from the floppy (cont.)
To: None <port-alpha@NetBSD.ORG,>
From: Ross Harvey <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 07/10/1998 13:05:15
> From: Scott Sewall <>
> Looks like my initial problem was do to a
> bad floppy. I've connected a different floppy
> drive and the boot progresses a little further.
> >>>boot dva0
> NetBSD/Alpha Primary Boot
> Jumping to entry point...
> halted CPU 0
> halt code = 5
> HALT instruction executed
> PC = 20004000
> >>>
> Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks!
> -- Scott

	* try the boot floppy from 1.3.2
	* try yet another floppy with the same image
	* try the boot floppy from the last snapshot (19980420.old)
	* try the boot floppy from 1.3
	* try booting with a serial console
	* try netbooting, instructions can be found at:

I should say that we haven't had any problems at all with the boot floppy code
being unreliable, but as you found out the drives and media are cheap. Does 
this particular Alpha box run Digital Unix, NT, or Linux?   That is, do you
have a reason to believe the HW is OK?