Subject: packages
To: None <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 09/27/1998 20:41:01
Hi there :)
I'm curious as to the "correct" way to keep packages current on my system.
What I have been doing is about every month or two, I'll D/L the latest
pkgsrc.tar.gz file from Then I'll print out a copy of my
pkg_info to see which packages I already had installed. Then I'll do a make
deinstall from the top level of the pkgsrc directory, which'll recursively
delete all of the installed files. I then delete the /usr/pkgsrc directory,
and after archiving my http/htdocs directory, I'll delete the /usr/pkg
directory as well. Then I gunzip/untar the pkgsrc files & proceed to
reinstall everything I had as well as to look for newer versions of stuff I
wanted but weren't working before.
I know that is excessive, so what _should_ I be doing to update pkgsrc?
Bikers don't *DO* taglines.