Subject: Re: Multia Infant Mortality Syndrome
To: None <>
From: Nathan Straz <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 10/30/1998 07:51:50
> Well, it looks like my Multia bit it, probably due to that resistor pack
> thing. It had kernel panics within 5 minutes of booting and now won't
> boot at all (not even to SRM). I can't afford to repair it because I got
Just five minutes. I guess I had better luck with mine. I had it
running for a few days without any problems, then things started
going poorly. I called CPUMicromart because it was still under
warranty and they offered to extend the warranty while they send
me a new battery since I couldn't find one locally. I just bumped
into a note on a web page about running a Multia without a
keyboard and thus frying the motherboard. Is this a fact? I have a
feeling I might be an example of one. Thank god for warranties.
Nathan Straz