Subject: Re: Multia problems.
To: Ross Harvey <>
From: Kevin Walton <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 12/10/1998 14:29:03
On Sat, 5 Dec 1998, Ross Harvey wrote:
> It sure looks like the heat death syndrome.
> OK, so I wrote up some notes on preventing and fixing the Multia Heat Death
> Syndrome and I added them to the NetBSD/alpha FAQ. In the highly unlikely
> case that a reader of this list doesn't know the usual URLs:
> New:
I cant seem to find a source of these 74F623 replacment chips in the UK -
I tried Maplin and Farnell. Anybody in the UK know where I can get them
from, or does someone in the US fancy helping me out? A group of us here
have bought Multias so I could probably take 20 or so.
Kevin Walton Fax: +44 (0)870 1640411 The future Was bright, the future Was Orange.