Subject: netbooting dec3000/300
To: alpha <>
From: Carey Stevens <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/27/1999 16:24:59
Hi, sorry to bother you folks again. But I am at a bit of loss why I
can't netboot a dec3000/300. I am using version 6.3 firmware kindly
provided by Tohru Nishimura and a setnetbootinfo hacked netboot from
The second stage bootstrap program is successfully tftp'ed and executes.
but doesn't load the kernel netbsd.gz. The directory is nfs mountable
and set up correctly I believe. The problem appears that the bootstrap
program is not getting the server and root partion information? The
console output looks like the following, where the hardware address is
the address of the dec3000.
loading netbsd.gz
boot: ethernet 08:00:2B:3D:80:CB
bootp: no reply
I have tried watching the tcpdump but I cant see whats wrong. I have
connected just the two machines to a hub and ruled out problems with our
network. I have tried using a linux box and an IRIX machine as the bootp
tftp/nfs servers but with the same result. Does anybody know what the
problem may be, or have any advice on diagnosing it?
Carey Stevens
Department of Engineering Science, University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND.
Tel: +64 9 3737599 x7490
Fax: +64 9 3737468