Subject: Re: I just got a "panic: pmap_physpage_alloc: no pages available after 5 tries"
To: R. C. Dowdeswell <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 02/04/1999 11:47:06
On Wed, 03 Feb 1999 16:49:14 -0800
"R. C. Dowdeswell" <> wrote:
> panic: pmap_physpage_alloc: no pages available after 5 tries
> syncing disks... panic: lockmgr: locking against myself
> I used to get this with 16MB RAM, a lot, and I thought that it was
> because the minimum specs of the Alpha port were 32MB. But now I
> have 64MB, and got it. The only thing that I was doing was running
> a program that I'm guessing was running wild malloc(3)'ing memory
> out of control. (Yes, I am debugging it... :)
Please apply the following patch, which will give me some more info
so that I can figure out the best solution.
> So, is this is well known problem, is there a solution, who would
> be the best person to talk to about it? I've looked for the code,
> and note that it is in /sys/arch/alpha/alpha/pmap.c, but don't
> really know how to go about fixing it.
I'm probably the right person to talk to, since a good portion of
the Alpha pmap code was written by me :-)
The problem is that it's running out of memory while trying to allocate
some important pmap data structure. The patch I'm sending you will tell
me which one it is.
I know I need to make the pmap's memory allocation strategy a bit more
robust. What is there worked for me in some test cases, but it's clearly
not great for all of them.
-- Jason R. Thorpe <>
Index: alpha/pmap.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/pmap.c,v
retrieving revision 1.76
diff -c -r1.76 pmap.c
*** pmap.c 1998/12/18 19:52:11 1.76
--- pmap.c 1999/02/04 18:52:43
*** 287,292 ****
--- 287,297 ----
struct pool pmap_asngen_pool;
+ * Canonical names for PGU_* constants.
+ */
+ const char *pmap_pgu_strings[] = PGU_STRINGS;
+ /*
* Address Space Numbers.
* On many implementations of the Alpha architecture, the TLB entries and
*** 3181,3191 ****
pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa);
! if (pvh->pvh_usage != PGU_NORMAL)
! panic("pmap_physpage_alloc: in use?!");
! if (pvh->pvh_refcnt != 0)
! panic("pmap_physpage_alloc: page has "
! "references");
pvh->pvh_usage = usage;
--- 3186,3202 ----
pvh = pa_to_pvh(pa);
! if (pvh->pvh_usage != PGU_NORMAL) {
! printf("pmap_physpage_alloc: page 0x%lx is "
! "in use (%s)\n", pa,
! pmap_pgu_strings[pvh->pvh_usage]);
! goto die;
! }
! if (pvh->pvh_refcnt != 0) {
! printf("pmap_physpage_alloc: page 0x%lx has "
! "%d references", pa, pvh->pvh_refcnt);
! goto die;
! }
pvh->pvh_usage = usage;
*** 3220,3226 ****
* If we couldn't get any more pages after 5 tries, just
* give up.
! panic("pmap_physpage_alloc: no pages available after 5 tries");
--- 3231,3240 ----
* If we couldn't get any more pages after 5 tries, just
* give up.
! printf("pmap_physpage_alloc: no pages for %s page available after "
! "5 tries", pmap_pgu_strings[usage]);
! die:
! panic("pmap_physpage_alloc");
Index: include/pmap.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/arch/alpha/include/pmap.h,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -c -r1.24 pmap.h
*** pmap.h 1998/09/22 03:58:11 1.24
--- pmap.h 1999/02/04 18:52:43
*** 153,158 ****
--- 153,167 ----
#define PGU_ISPTPAGE(pgu) ((pgu) >= PGU_L1PT)
+ #define PGU_STRINGS \
+ { \
+ "normal", \
+ "pvent", \
+ "l1pt", \
+ "l2pt", \
+ "l3pt", \
+ }
struct pv_page_info {
TAILQ_ENTRY(pv_page) pgi_list;
LIST_HEAD(, pv_entry) pgi_freelist;