Subject: Re: Fw: Now what?
To: David Sullivan <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 02/07/1999 18:46:41
On Feb 6, David Sullivan wrote
> >Using the new two-part floppy, I was able to install (successfully) NetBSD
> >onto an IDE laptop drive inside my Multia/UDB. But how do I boot it given
> >that:
> >
> >(1) No IDE devices are accessible from the SRM prompt;
> >
> >(2) Despite the fact of updating to the latest firmware, I cannot netboot
> >(without an error message telling me to update the firmware).
> >
> >The installation floppy allows me to boot up, go to the shell prompt, mount
> >the IDE drive partition and see all of nicely installed directories and
> >binaries. Now what?
>From the boot floppy you need to tell the kernel to ask you for the
boot device (on i386 it's '-a' but I don't know what it is for alpha).
Once it ask you 'root device' you can tell it 'wd0'.
Then you can build a new kernel with
'config netbsd root on wd0 type ?'
instead of
'config netbsd root on ? type ?'
and put it on a floppy.
Manuel Bouyer <>