Subject: pkg_add problem.
To: None <>
From: Sean J. Schluntz <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 03/08/1999 12:02:18
When I try to add a package usign pkg_add I get:

ttyp0 c956029-a-root> pkg_add -v gated-3.5.9.tgz
Requested space: 2366460 bytes, free space: 119492608 bytes in 
pkg_add: other version '@' already installed
pkg_add: 1 package addition(s) failed

Now I'm running 1.3H and the package is from 1.3I (since there is no1.3H 
in the packages tree) But this error is strange to me.


Sean J. Schluntz                 
Sr. Office Systems Administrator                  408-434-5804
Atari Games Corporation        

Mountain Dew and doughnuts...because breakfast is the most 
important meal of the day. - ???