Subject: Re: Please Help with IPNAT and NetBSD/Alpha
To: None <>
From: kevin <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 03/09/1999 02:17:08
At 01:09 AM 3/9/99 , Tom Harvey wrote:

>good luck. NetBSD/alpha 1.3H should make a fine cable modem NAT'ing router.

I'm glad to hear this, because I have a DEC 3000 I plan on doing this 
with.  Question:  Can I do this with just 1 ethernet card in the alpha?  I 
would like to assign 2 IP's to the same ethernet interface (le0), one from 
my non-routable ip block the other from the cable connection.  Then, run 
ipnat between the 2 subnets on the same ethernet segment.  I know 
performance will be degraded, but i would just like to know if it's 
technically possible.  My other option would be to hunt down a turbochannel 
NIC which I don't want to do if i don't have to.

Now a question about system versions.  I see the mention of 1.3I and 
1.3H.  I just downloaded and installed 1.3.3-stable.  Is this newer then 
the others listed?


Kevin                      DOTFP

Trust the computer industry to shorten "Year 2000" to Y2K.
It was this kind of thinking that caused the problem in the first place.