Subject: Re: PC164LX boot problems
To: Paul H. Anderson <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 03/13/1999 08:38:34
On 12-Mar-99 Paul H. Anderson spoke unto us all:
#  One more question about IDE... on second bootup of my IDE disk on the
#  164LX, I notice one missed IDE DMA interrupt (soft error).  How normal is
#  that, and should I be worried (i.e. not use that type drive, or try a
#  different disk before drawing any conclusions about IDE stability)?

I'm using a WD 8.4 gig IDE very heavily as a build disk (and getting incredible
read/write times from it).  I've never seen an error from my IDE drive, which
is more than I can say for the stuff hanging off the NCR.  I'm running the last
snapshot. SRM 4.9, and booting from scsi.

Tim Rightnour  -
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