Subject: Re: DigitalServer 3305 & SRM console code upgrade
To: Wilko Bulte <>
From: Erik E. Fair <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 03/24/1999 12:28:28
At 10:50 -0800 3/24/99, Wilko Bulte wrote:
>Probably not Storageworks canisters. Believe it or not but there are a
>couple of the newer Alphaservers that use a sort of metal bracket-thingy
>of their own. I'm suspicious about the SCA-2 connector remark.
Precisely. It's a small slide-rack arrangement; a mounting bracket goes
around the drive to align it with the backplane and the SCA-2 connectors
when you slide it into its slot. The drive sits in this bare, and air is
sucked in the front of the box, over the drives, and blown out the back.
There is also a nice set of LEDs under each drive slot which are exposed to
the front panel of the DS 3305 box to show you the status of the
I'd like to get those brackets by themselves (enough to populate the box),
but I can't find DEC's part number (I've got drive part numbers, but DEC
wants $2.3K for an 18G drive which is less than $1K on the commodity
market). At first glance, it doesn't look like Island sells these, but I
suspect I'm gonna have to call them and ask directly; their web site is not
being helpful.
Anyone have any words of wisdom regarding SRM console firmware upgrades?