Subject: Re: htonl and longs
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-alpha
Date: 06/18/1999 09:49:06
> : 	strfile.c:      Tbl.str_version = htonl(Tbl.str_version);
> : 	strfile.h:      unsigned long   str_version;            /* version number */

> htonl works on longs, not u_int32_t's.

That's not what the manpage says:

     htonl(in_addr_t host32);
     ntohl(in_addr_t net32);
     These routines convert 16 and 32 bit quantities between network byte or­
     der and host byte order. The types in_addr_t and in_port_t are defined by
     X/Open as:

           typedef u_int32_t in_addr_t;
           typedef u_int16_t in_port_t;

Given their historical use, for converting 16 and 32 bit quantities for
network protocols, this is IMO the right thing, despite the unfortunate
naming scheme.

					der Mouse

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