Subject: Re: multia Qs
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 07/09/1999 08:43:18
On 09-Jul-99 Allen Briggs spoke unto us all:
#  Precisely.  This is what I was originally referring to as the "low-level
#  monitor" (or something like that).  Does anyone know how to get back to
#  the SRM or how to reboot from there?

I seem to remember one key on the keyboard allways got me out of it.  I'm
having trouble recalling it right now.. but it may have been "o".   I just hit
it a number of times, and it spewed information, and finally dropped me at the
SRM prompt.  I found it by random monkey-presses of keys until one did
something other than "Eh?"

Tim Rightnour  -
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