Subject: Re: X on Turbo Channel system
To: Konrad Schroder <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 09/08/1999 21:27:03
> I don't recall there ever being one for TC alphas. I did some work on
> this a couple of weeks ago, after coming to the conclusion that I needed a
> 64-bit NetBSD compilation platform, and that the 3000/300s we're using as
> X-terminals at work could serve double duty. :^)
I have some patches somewhere for a real hack to get a basic cfb X
server running (slowly) on the 3000/400 w/ PMAGB-B(?). I need to get
that machine back up and running and clean those patches up some.
Unfortunately, I don't have time for it right now. I think another
fellow has done some work with this, though, and may have actually
gotten some use of the h/w acceleration features of the sfb. I don't
recall for sure, though--it's been a while (nearly a year!?) since I
looked at this...