Subject: Trouble booting cdhdtape
To: '' <>
From: Stephens, David <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 10/15/1999 09:55:51
(...hopefully, this is the correct method of posting to the mailing list!)
I'm trying to install on a DEC 3000-400. I've downloaded the cdhdtape image,
copied it to a hard disk,
and use this for a boot command from SRM:
>>> boot -fi cdhdtape dkb100
The boot fails with this message
I've turned off the boot_osflags (vs. the setting of '0,0' for VMS boot).
I'm stumped. Is there some parameter to the boot command that I am missing?
BTW, the cdhdtape image was ftp'ed in binary mode - correct? I've also tried
every command syntax I can think of for the boot command, including:
>>> boot -fi "/cdhdtape" dkb100
>>> boot -fi "cdhdtape" dkb100
>>> boot -fi "cdhdtape." dkb100
etc. etc. etc.
Any help would be much appreciated. I like the idea of a free Unix for this
old workhorse.
David Stephens
VMS Systems Administration
PDMS Computer Systems Support