Subject: RE: where can I find multia hardware ?
To: 'Ross Harvey' <>
From: Tony Hernandez <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 10/15/1999 15:54:05
this is cool.. but I can boot from a floppy into the system correct ?


Tony Hernandez
Intellon Corporation

# -----Original Message-----
# From: Ross Harvey []
# Sent: Friday, October 15, 1999 3:50 PM
# To:;
# Subject: Re: where can I fond multia hardware ?
# > [ multia ide boot;  tga x server speed ]
# I'm pretty sure that you cannot boot the Multia from an IDE channel
# on any version of the Multia SRM. 
# Regarding the speed of the X server, I believe Roland has 
# another round
# of speedups to commit soon. (I have been reading diffs that 
# looked about
# ready to go...)
# One of us will build server binaries and put them up for ftp, 
# together with
# a -current kernel snapshot.