Subject: Re: TGA and NetBSD/alpha
To: None <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 10/22/1999 21:23:51
R. C. Dowdeswell writes:
> Well, since there has been a bit of recent interest in the TGA
> Xserver and its speed, I've put up a bleeding edge compiled X server
> on my web site. It was actually compiled under 1.4_ALPHA (yes,
> I've been meaning to bump to a release version.) and I've been
> running a most of my tests under 1.3K.
Thanks! Here are some numbers from my 166Mhz Multia, booted diskless.
I've compared the following:
NetBSD 1.3.3 + stock Xserver
120 reps @ 57.7834 msec ( 17.3/sec): Copy 500x500 from window to window
2000 reps @ 4.6569 msec ( 215.0/sec): 500x500 rectangle
70 reps @ 81.7023 msec ( 12.2/sec): (xor) 500x500 rectangle
5000 reps @ 1.2423 msec ( 805.0/sec): Fill 100x100 equivalent cmplx poly
160000 reps @ 0.0403 msec ( 24800.0/sec): Char in 80-char image line (6x13)
300000 reps @ 0.0221 msec ( 45300.0/sec): 10-pixel line segment
NetBSD 1.4 + stock Xserver
32 reps @ 164.3807 msec ( 6.1/sec): Copy 500x500 from window to window
50 reps @ 122.5877 msec ( 8.2/sec): 500x500 rectangle
2 reps @ 3764.8863 msec ( 0.3/sec): (xor) 500x500 rectangle
200 reps @ 42.6437 msec ( 23.5/sec): Fill 100x100 equivalent cmplx poly
2400 reps @ 2.1210 msec ( 471.0/sec): Char in 80-char image line (6x13)
4000 reps @ 1.2572 msec ( 795.0/sec): 10-pixel line segment
NetBSD 1.4 + R. C. Dowdeswell's XalphaNetBSD
800 reps @ 8.8409 msec ( 113.0/sec): Copy 500x500 from window to window
2000 reps @ 2.5193 msec ( 397.0/sec): 500x500 rectangle
1000 reps @ 5.3003 msec ( 189.0/sec): (xor) 500x500 rectangle
8000 reps @ 0.6773 msec ( 1480.0/sec): Fill 100x100 equivalent cmplx poly
56000 reps @ 0.0946 msec ( 10600.0/sec): Char in 80-char image line (6x13)
100000 reps @ 0.0514 msec ( 19500.0/sec): 10-pixel line segment
Boy, I wasn't kidding when I said X under 1.4 was slow compared to
1.3.3. :=) Geez, 1.3.3 is 52 times faster at scrolling text, 40 times
faster at xor'ing, and 56 times faster at line segments.
I would test against -current (I believe there have been some improvements
to the TGA driver), but I don't have a new XalphaNetBSD, and the one from
May, 1999 reports: X: Keyboard device /dev/wskbd0: Device busy. (with
the kernel from snapshot-19991020)
Anyway, I know X is a low priority for NetBSD/alpha, but I think it is
unfortunate to lose so much speed between 1.3.3 and 1.4. (and maybe 1.4.2)
Even though the Multia is kind of a dog, it "used to be" a decent enough
X terminal. I would hate to see NetBSD/alpha give up on it, especially
since FreeBSD/alpha doesn't appear to have much support for it either.
Unfortunately I don't have the skills to work on this. If loaning my
Multia to someone would help, I would be glad to. I am eyeing one of
those PC164's with a 500Mhz cpu though.. :-)
Andrew Gillham | This space left blank | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer. | Contact the publisher.