Subject: Re: SRM firmware now available for AlphaPC64
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-alpha
Date: 12/03/1999 12:33:30
> I received the following message from Compaq yesterday.  They have
> made the SRM firmware for the PC64 available without requiring the
> purchase of the Firmware Developer's kit.

I got a similar message

| Subject: link to - SRM console for AlphaPC 164LX

| Hello,
| Last  February you requested and received the SRM .rom image for this
| system.
| I wanted to let you know the latest version .rom is now available from the
| following Web page:

I am impressed, both by their doing this and by how they're doing it.

					der Mouse

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