Subject: AS 1200 + qlogic RAID
To: None <>
From: David Hopper <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 12/13/1999 17:50:57
I have two Qlogic 1040B's: an isp0 with three Seagate 4-gig drives, and
an isp1 that isn't hooked up to anything. The system is on the first
disk, sd0a, on isp0, and I'm trying to stripe the remaining two disks at
sd1a and sd2a, again, all three disks on isp0. I get the following
errors when I run raidctl -C /etc/raidcfg raid0:
isp1: command for target 4 lun 0 was aborted
stray kn300 irq 8
ad infinitum: the process continues to attempt the RAID creation,
failing each time on the empty controller. Why is it hitting this
Here's my /etc/raidcfg:
START disks
START layout
32 1 1 0
START queue
fifo 100
I'm using the platform .997, Core 1.11 Qlogic driver from the 12/11/99
sources, and a hand-rolled kernel with the DEC_KN300 and RAID defines.
Any thoughts?