Subject: Re: 3000/300 : SCSI speed & RAM questions
To: None <>
From: Brook Milligan <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 02/04/2000 21:25:37
>> I have heard that it is possible to use drops of solder to convert a
>> non-recognized 32MB simms to a recognized 32MB simms but it is not
>> trivial.
Dolf de Waal seems to be very knowledgable in this area. He is
the person who informed me of the presence detection bits.
The following information is almost directly from Dolf de Waal.
There are four presence detection bits on ps/2 simms. Two of
the bits indicate the access time. The other two indicate
the memory size.
Are there any "official" documents that describe this setup? I
presume there is no requirement for SIMM vendors to sell products with
the correct jumpering of these pads?