Subject: Re: DEC 3000/300
To: None <>
From: Hal Murray <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 02/24/2000 16:08:21
> I've got it running 1.4.1. It's just the box. at bootup It shows an error
> about no keyboard. How do I get it to bypass this. someone posted a trick
> with putting jumpers in certain connectors. What pins have to be wired to
> get it to detect a keyboard?
I forget. I think some 3000 models will halt rather than do the
autoboot if the keyboard is missing.
I think they have a mode where you can tell it not to worry about
a missing keyboard. If I was trying to find it, I'd do a "show *"
or something like that and see if I could find something suspicious.
I think the magic word is "server". But I don't remember if you
do a "set server yes" or "set xxx server".
">>>set xxx foo" will usually give you an error message that tells
you the valid options for xxx are.