Subject: Re: SOFTDEP working on alpha?
To: Anders Magnusson <>
From: Paul Mather <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 04/21/2000 19:57:38
On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, Anders Magnusson wrote:
=> > Does anyone have soft updates working on their NetBSD/alpha filesystems?
=> > I made a 1.4X (-current) kernel in which I enabled "options SOFTDEP",
=> > but when I enabled soft updates on a FFS filesystem running that kernel,
=> > the machine did a panic and reboot at the first write to that
=> > filesystem.
=> >
=> Was your panic something like
=> panic: softdep_flushfiles called
No, actually it was:
fatal kernel trap:
trap entry = 0x2 (memory management fault)
a0 = 0x0
a1 = 0x1
a2 = 0x0
pc = 0xfffffc0000433efc
ra = 0xfffffc0000433e48
curproc = 0xfffffc0000d3a708
pid = 4, comm = ioflush
panic: trap
syncing disks... panic: lockmgr: locking against myself
dumping to dev 8,1 offset 158451
dump 112 111 110 109 [[etc...]]
=> or so? In that case you didn't have the src/gnu source tree unpacked when
=> you compiled your kernel.
I have /usr/src/gnu/sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_softdep.c on my system, which I
believe is the soft updates code:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 145448 Mar 23 07:12 /usr/src/gnu/sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_softdep.c
The kernel panic only happens when I activate soft updates on a file
system and do a write that causes filesystem metadata to change,
specifically, I did (as root):
cd /home
ls -lR > file
rm file
The panic came shortly thereafter.
The filesystems at the time were:
/dev/sd0a on / type ffs (local)
/dev/sd0d on /usr type ffs (NFS exported, local)
mfs:60 on /tmp type mfs (asynchronous, local)
/dev/sd0e on /home type ffs (local, soft dependencies)
(I've since disabled soft updates on /home!)
Any clues?
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--- Frank Vincent Zappa