Subject: Re: The _weirdest_ segfault...
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: Andreas Falck <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 05/17/2000 23:20:09
Yes, but it's not the writes or reads that segfaults, it's
malloc() itself!
The shell works perfectly on FreeBSD/x86 where it was developed, the
problem is only on the Alpha!
On Wed, 17 May 2000, Peter Seebach wrote:
> In message <>, Andrea
> s Falck writes:
> >However, what is the conclusion about the memory thing, alignment problems
> >or what?
> If increasing space allocated fixed it, the conclusion is most likely that
> you've got a sequence of operations where:
> 1. You allocate some space.
> 2. You overwrite the area past the allocated space.
> Possibly,
> 3. You free the space.
> Basically, the space just outside a malloc'd block may well be part of another
> block, and you are corrupting the malloc data structures.
> -s