Subject: Multia Firmware Woes
To: None <>
From: John Heyer <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 07/15/2000 12:20:22
I was having the problem where I wasn't able to boot off floppies (would
get about 1/4th through and then hang).  After noticing someone on the
NetBSD list had a simlilar problem and we were both running firmware
3.5-7, I reasoned I should upgrade.

So I upgraded to 3.8-36 and everyting appeared to go well.
when I try to boot anything (hard drive, floppy, SyJet) I get this:

Processor correctable error through vector 000000063

and some hex code flashing continuously across the screen.  Anybody seen
this before or know how to fix it?  My eventually goal is to run RedHat
6.0.  Thanks and please respond via e-mail if possible

Johh Heyer - -

"Me fail English?  That's unpossible!"  -- Ralph Wiggam