Subject: Problems getting NetBSD installed on a Jensen
To: None <>
From: Patrick Cantwell <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 08/06/2000 19:55:52
I'm brand new to the list, figured this would be the proper forum
to bring up my issue. I noticed the announcement that NetBSD-Alpha now
supported the Jensen, so I figured it was high time to get Redcrap off of
my alpha and run netbsd! Well, I burned myself a cd from the cdhdtape
image, told my jensen to boot dka400, and much to my dismay, it didn't
work! Here's what happens: (well, more like here are the deviations I
notice during bootup from the screenshot on the netbsd webpage that
documents it working properly)
ahb0 at eisa0 slot 6: Adaptec AHA-1742A SCSI
ahb0: interrupting at eisa IRQ 12
scsibus0 at ahb0: 8 targets, 8 luns per target (the screecap says "not
configured on the website)
scsibus0: waiting 2 seconds for devices to settle...
probe(ahb0:0:0) timed out
probe(ahb0:0:0) timed out AGAIN
and from here it no longer works. Left it sitting all night once and it
stayed right there.. hints anyone?
Patrick Cantwell
Director of Operations
Insomnia Communications
917-421-8391 (Voicemail/FAX) (email)