Subject: SRM Firmware for the Jensen
To: None <>
From: Duane Eddingfield <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 08/07/2000 02:55:38
A local person is selling a AXP 150 (Jensen) and since Jason has NetBSD
somewhat working on this hardware, I thought that I would give it a try. The
person selling the box is currently running NT on it so I went looking at the
Firmware update on DEC's (OK, Compaq's) ftp site but I only see what appears
to be AlphaBios firmware. So my first (of probably many) question is where
did you get the SRM firmware?
There was a mention in a FAQ that I should not put new versions of the
SRM on this machine. The person selling the machine says that he has the
disks that he got with it, for what the means as I have not actually seen it
yet. All of the Jensens are capable of using the SRM firmware are they not?
Thanks and looking forward to running NetBSD,
| Duane Eddingfield | Linux is a foreign terrorist plot to take |
| | money away from true America companies like |
| | like Microsoft. |