Subject: Re: Problems getting NetBSD installed on a Jensen
To: Patrick Cantwell <>
From: Scot W. Hetzel <scot@GENROCO.COM>
List: port-alpha
Date: 08/07/2000 08:42:24
From: "Patrick Cantwell" <>
> I'm brand new to the list, figured this would be the proper forum
> to bring up my issue. I noticed the announcement that NetBSD-Alpha now
> supported the Jensen, so I figured it was high time to get Redcrap off of
> my alpha and run netbsd! Well, I burned myself a cd from the cdhdtape
> image, told my jensen to boot dka400, and much to my dismay, it didn't
> work! Here's what happens: (well, more like here are the deviations I
> notice during bootup from the screenshot on the netbsd webpage that
> documents it working properly)
Which version of NetBSD-Alpha did you try to install? (1.4.x or 1.5_Alpha)
1.5_Alpha has support for Jenson.