Subject: Re: Problems getting NetBSD installed on a Jensen
To: Patrick Cantwell <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 08/07/2000 10:45:00
> ..... I burned myself a cd from the cdhdtape
> image, told my jensen to boot dka400, and much to my dismay, it didn't
> work! Here's what happens: (well, more like here are the deviations I
> notice during bootup from the screenshot on the netbsd webpage that
> documents it working properly)
> ...
> ahb0 at eisa0 slot 6: Adaptec AHA-1742A SCSI
> ahb0: interrupting at eisa IRQ 12
> scsibus0 at ahb0: 8 targets, 8 luns per target (the screecap says "not
> configured on the website)
> ...
> scsibus0: waiting 2 seconds for devices to settle...
> probe(ahb0:0:0) timed out
> probe(ahb0:0:0) timed out AGAIN
I had the same problem on an old 3000 300 box over the weekend.
It was due to the DEC scsi id being set to 3 rather than zero.
It looks like it is probing ID0, so set your drive ID there.
That would be my take on it.