Subject: Re: Problems with DE500 network card
To: James Macnicol <>
From: Patrick Cantwell <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 08/13/2000 20:30:02
that actually sounds like the card is trying to operate in forced
100megabit mode when connected to a 10megabit hub, I've seen those
symptoms before when a friend brought his windows box over to my (at the
time) 10 megabit only LAN and he had his card locked in at 100megabit..
On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, James Macnicol wrote:
> I downloaded the latest NetBSD 1.5 \alpha snapshot on Sunday
> (I have a ZLXp-E2 so this is the only version that'll work for me).
> Everything is okay except for my DE500 network card: after NetBSD
> initializes the card my hub is a sorry sight because the activity
> light for that port is always on and the collision light on the hub is
> also always on. Needless to say, I can't access the network from
> NetBSD. I remember seeing this behaviour with early versions of
> RedHat Linux too, although the later kernels seemed to have fixed it.
> Does anyone know what is going on, and is there a fix or workaround ?
> System is a 433MHz AlphaPC 164, DE500, Asus SCSI card, ZLXp-E2,
> 128MB.
> --
> James Macnicol
Patrick Cantwell
Director of Operations
Insomnia Communications
917-421-8391 (Voicemail/FAX) (email)