Subject: Re: Another PC164 question
To: Andrew Brown <>
From: Bill Sommerfeld <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 11/15/2000 10:01:28
I had "fun" tracking down the "five beeps"/can't find memory syndrome
on my pc164.  Turned out that out of the 8 simms I purchased, 6 were
bad to varying degrees (ranging from sporadic ECC errors to total
failure to come up).  The vendor swapped out all 8 for a new set which
Just Worked.

The pc164 takes either 4 or 8 simms; if you have 8, rejumper the
motherboard to use 4, and start trying various combinations until you
get a set of four which work..

Also, make sure you have 72-pin fast page mode parity SIMMS; rumor has
it that EDO (newer tech than FPM) doesn't work with the pc164.

					- Bill