Subject: ISO Boot information
To: alpha <>
From: hg/jb <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 01/17/2001 21:30:28
Hey guys,
I picked up the multiboot3 iso image for 1.5.
I used Nero to cut a bootable CD.
Works like a champ.

Now, I have an older HP 2xburner, 16x reader on my burning machine.
I have an RRD42, RRD43, and Sony cd readers on my alphas.

I burned the cd at 2x. reads fine on PC. Builds fine.
On the 3000s, I get soft errors, recoverable, but interesting.

Burned another CD, 1x rate.  Works fine AND I don't get any soft
errors!  I don't know if this helps anyone, but just a datapoint to
stash away.