Subject: Re: Cross-compilation (sort of)
To: Bucketmouth Frogstump <>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 04/05/2001 07:39:47
Bucketmouth Frogstump drunkenly mumbled...
> I've been speculating about the best way for me to compile large quantities 
> of code without having to use the slow old 3000/300 here to do it. There are 
> some DS10s in the office, but they're all running RedHat and nobody can 
> spare me one as a NetBSD box. :(

that's too bad, keep nagging them, they want to be running NetBSD anyway. :)

> Anyway ... is it possible to compile for NetBSD on a GNU/Linux Alpha box? 
> Where would you start with setting up an enviroment like that?
> Any pointers appreciated. It's probably simpler to grab an old Intel machine 
> and cross-compile from NetBSD that way, but I'm into doing things the 
> perverse way. If it's terribly difficult, I won't worry about it ...

setting up a cross-compiler tends to be a gigantic pain in the ass.  however,
in my limited experience if you avoid crossing the endian-ness you tend to have
less trouble.  are alphas big?  i forget.  anyway, grab a source distro of GCC
and you will find a cross-compiling setup doc in there.  it isn't the best doc
in the world, but in the worst case it should get you asking better questions
that we can answer for ya.

