Subject: jensen eisa bug fix?
To: None <>
From: Mohacsi Janos <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 05/10/2001 18:31:35
Dear Sirs,
In the eisa config there is a bug to correctly work on jensen
systems as I see on the mailing lists. Is the fix will be available
in 1.5.1? Can you point out what is wrong? Maybe we can debug it.
Janos Mohacsi
FROM: Jason R Thorpe
DATE: 12/05/2000 08:25:50
SUBJECT: RE: Jensen in 1.5?
On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 03:38:45PM +0100, Gyenes Istvan wrote:
> Does anybody know wether the Jensen (aka DECpc AXP 150) will be
> in NetBSD 1.5?
> I know it almost works, but Jason wrote about some bugs in
> the eisa config.
> Is it fixed?
Sadly, fixes did not make 1.5. Hopefully, 1.5.1.