Subject: Re: [Fwd: PBXGB-AA card support in 1.5V?]
To: None <,>
From: mel kravitz <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 05/22/2001 13:35:41
> Roland wrote:
> If the TGA2 is in fact putting part of the dmesg on the screen, then
> it certainly must be working for a while -- the question would then
> become why is the actual attach failing.
Yes as you can see the attach is failing , why (?)is a good question.
> I'm not sure what the differences are between the a, au, and au2
> are,
533au2 is really an as1200, labeled a workstation, same motherboard , and
hardware as the as1200. Same dmesg as 1200 on boot. This is a dual 533 MHZ
21164A-2 processors, (2) pci bus system.. siop0 scsi for cdrom ,isp0 controller
for hard drives. In SRM -3 pci slots grouped as pci0 bus contains a 32 bit vga
slot , 3 pci and one isa slot grouped with bridge as pci1.-complex mother to
say the least. I have tried the following DEC cards with the corresponding
1)PBXGA-AA ------> not rcognized by SRM on boot no 'graphics init' on console,
when placed in vga (32bit slot), in pci1 slot SRM boots -->netbsd kernel
2)PBXGB-AA-------> recognized in SRM in 32bit vga slot-----------> netbsd boot
hangs, attach fails(?)
3)PBXCA-AA(4D20T)-----> recognized in SRM in 32bit slot----------> netbsd boot
fails with panic.
4)4D10T (vga permidea2 chip)------> recognized in vga slot------------>
netbsd1.5V boots dmesg given in previous e-mail.