Subject: how to boot from cd on a Dec 3000 M400 with unformatted HD
To: None <>
From: John Cortes <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 06/05/2001 01:48:32
Could anyone help me out with booting from a Net BSD cd (scsi id 3) on a
DEC 3000 M400. I am trying to install version 1.5 with no success. The
computer ran VMS until it crashed once and destroyed all on the hard disk.
I grabbed it from the dumpster with the intent of installing BSD on it. I
get SRM screen fine from the Turbochannel graphics card. I have tried using
the command boot dka300 with no success and I never see the machine try to
access the cd-rom at all. I have searched around a lot about how to do this
but have not seen any docs on this. Any help is greatly appreciated.
J. Frank Cortes