Subject: RE: Multia netbooting NetBSD 1.5 troubles
To: 'Bruce Ediger' <>
From: David Woyciesjes <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 06/13/2001 10:09:29
What about building a custom 1.5 kernel for it? Or not worth the effort?
--- David A Woyciesjes
--- C & IS Support Specialist
--- Yale University Press
--- (203) 432-0953
--- ICQ # - 905818
-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: Bruce Ediger []
-> Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 5:42 PM
-> To:
-> Subject: Re: Multia netbooting NetBSD 1.5 troubles
-> I wrote:
-> > I've got a Multia (166MHz Alpha CPU, 32 Mb memory),
-> firmware version
-> > 3.5-7 according to the "ARC" thing, I think that SRM said something
-> > similar. Currently, the Multia runs Red Hat 5.0 (Linux
-> kernel 2.0.30),
-> > so I'm pretty sure that all the hardware works. I booted RH 5.0
-> > after trying to get NetBSD 1.5 going, so I haven't fubared
-> anything too
-> > bad.
-> ...
-> > Both kernels say "stray isa irq 4" and then appear to lock up.
-> >
-> > How do I fix this?
-> The answer is "Use NetBSD 1.4.3". Apparently, NetBSD 1.5 doesn't deal
-> with serial port interrupts correctly. See:
-> Using an older OS doesn't bother me, particularly since this
-> is an older
-> computer (the Multia has a firmware rev dating to 1994).
-> NetBSD 1.4.3
-> is positively modern compared to the Red Hat 5.0/Linux
-> 2.0.30 that's on
-> it now.