Subject: RE: [alphant] XL266
To: '' <>
From: David Woyciesjes <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 06/20/2001 15:44:14
Can someone here help Ron? He's not a member of this list, so you need to
keep his address( in the reply...

! From: Ron Reed []
! To: AlphaNT Mailing List
! Ok. I have an old XL266 Alpha in my possession. If I remove 
! all the memory
! chips, I get bios beeps from it. But if I have the memory in 
! and turn it on,
! the lights on the processor board flicker and then stop. 
! Anyone have an FTP
! link where I can get some information on this system?
! Ron Reed
! At 03:20 PM 6/20/01 +0000, you wrote:
! >D1 thru D6 on, D7 & D8 off.
! From: Pablo Roufogalis L. []
! This indicates the ARC console initialized. I guess there's 
! no error up to 
! there so the trouble must lie elsewhere.
! If I were you I'd reinstall the ARC (latest version from 
! and try again.
! Good luck.

---   David A Woyciesjes
---   C & IS Support Specialist
---   Yale University Press
---   (203) 432-0953
---   ICQ # - 905818