Subject: Re: HELP!
To: linc <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 06/21/2001 08:34:46
On June 21, linc wrote:
> OK, I have a Digital AlphaStation 200 4/233.  I know this is supposed to
> be a 233mhz alpha machine but why in the hell is it so slow?  It has 48
> megs of ram, and is running NetBSD 1.5.  I also have an intel P200MMX w/
> 128 ram.  Both are running Seti@Home.  The P200 is crunching seti packets
> a little more than 2x as fast (under a heavier load to boot).  What gives?

  Seti@Home isn't a very good benchmark.  The Seti@Home folks are of
the "all the world's a PeeCee" mindset and have put huge amounts of
work into optimizing the Intel clients, and comparatively little into
other processors.

  This is YET ANOTHER reason why I abandoned that project some time ago
despite the fact that I think the idea is extremely cool.

        -Dave McGuire