Subject: Re: Slightly Off-Topic...
To: Laurent FAILLIE <>
From: Wolfgang Rupp <>
List: port-alpha
Date: 06/25/2001 18:54:12
Laurent FAILLIE wrote:
> And what about VMS ?
> It will be ported to this shit^H^H^H^H wanderfull
> architecture ?
Maybe... then again, the port may be delayed a bit, and afterwards
they declare it "legacy". You will, of course, receive a generous
offer to convert your business to the industry standard with a real,
genuine "Windows Server". You may even be offered a trade in on
your bad, old, legacy GS320. After all, who wants to run such a
burden nowadays?
Oh, you only got a couple of ES40s? Ahh, you clustered them. No
problem, see, the industry standard OS Really Can Do Clustering,
no sweat. It is Data Center Ready.
If that becomes true, maybe we should put a mechanical typewriter
in the server room, with a pre-typed document named "resignment.doc".
Just fill in name and employee number, in case your setup is tested
by real life.
Wolfgang Rupp
Am I a pessimist?