Subject: RE: Patches for NetBSD 1.5.1 on DEC Multias (UDB)
To: None <>
From: Juergen Weiss <weiss@Uni-Mainz.DE>
List: port-alpha
Date: 07/31/2001 22:10:12
I rechecked the patch and the mail I sent, and both sources
worked with the patch program. You could try -l flag to 
patch to ignore whitespace. The only relevant change is
to substitute IST_EDGE by IST_LEVEL, so a text editor
would work as well.

David Woyciesjes writes:
 > 	Well, I was on my Multia, used ftp to get this message...
 > ... directly from the mail archive (so Windoze wouldn't pollute it), and
 > trimmed it to two patch files, one for the stray interrupt (which worked
 > doen the same process), and this (at the end of message) for the PCMCIA,
 > which failed, like this:
 > multia# pwd
 > /usr/src/sys/dev/isa
 > multia# patch <pcmcia.patch
 > Hmm... Looks like a new-style context diff to me...
 > The text leading up to this was:
 > -------------------------
 > *** i82365_isasubr.c.orig	Tue May  9 22:20:25 2000
 > --- i82365_isasubr.c	Sun Dec  3 17:28:35 2000
 > -------------------------
 > Patching file i82365_isasubr.c using Plan A...
 > Hunk #1 failed at 237.
 > Hunk #2 failed at 268.
 > Hunk #3 failed at 339.
 > Hunk #4 failed at 353.
 > Hunk #5 failed at 478.
 > 5 out of 5 hunks failed--saving rejects to i82365_isasubr.c.rej
 > done

Juergen Weiss

Juergen Weiss	  | Universitaet Mainz, Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung,| 55099 Mainz, Tel: +49(6131)39-26361, FAX: +49(6131)39-26407